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5/12/2017 Insights

5 Ways to Create a Comfortable Company

5 Ways to Create a Comfortable Company
by Lynette Reed

Comfortable companies have engaged and fulfilled employees who have better time management, increased focus, and a calmer approach to any situation.

For most companies, the human element plays a significant role in the success of their business. When you give the human capital of your organization a secure infrastructure, you change the engagement, efficiency, and effectiveness of your employees. Integrating healthy communication behaviors into the fabric of your business also strengthens the human element and provides a strong base for a comfortable company.

A comfortable company offers a balance between hard work and human values. Comfortable companies have engaged and fulfilled employees who have improved time management, increased focus, and a calmer approach to any situation. Workplace relationships are enhanced, which also benefits customer service. This business framework helps you and your employees make better decisions, keeps the focus on the goals, and reduces the chances of fracturing yourself or your business.

Comfortable companies are already making a presence as organizations try to integrate self, others, technology, and even sustainable issues related to world health into the life and work style. Social responsibility, team-building, mental and physical health are only a few examples of elements for a comfortable company. This new way of life and work also plays out with an increased presence of online work and telecommuting.

Otto Scharmer, in his book Theory U, suggests that there is a critical blind spot in the business world. Fixing this missing link is key to future success. We know something is missing, but can’t quite determine what that something is or how to fix it. The change to a comfortable company may help open the blinders to see another way to do business, but this change might be difficult for people who want the world to stay the same.

If fear of change is a factor, then the first obstacle goes to overcoming the fear. In our instant gratification society, people want a quick fix that helps everyone feel better. In a comfortable company, the stabilizing behavior is integrated more firmly into the structure of the organization. People incorporate behavioral guidelines that keep the underlying fabric of the organization in place, without losing the focus on the work and the success of the company. Employees are not only about the work that they do, but also how they do the work.

5 Activities That Create a Comfortable Company

1. Identify actionable behaviors that you would like for your business to represent.

These actionable behaviors can be represented by target words that keep everyone moving in the same direction with a cohesive focus. Include these behaviors into your mission statement and also in the annual reviews of employees. If you want a friendly company, then support friendly behavior while creating the environment. These behaviors should be actionable. You cannot always be happy, so happy would not be a target word. Terms such as friendly, helpful or efficient are possible words that define the human element of your organization. These words become the framework for how people will be treated, both within and when working with the company. This activity provides stability and builds trust so that people can focus on their job instead of human chaos. This activity works best if upper management is a model of this behavior.

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