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8/24/2017 Insights

Implementing Your Leadership Style On Your Employees

Implementing Your Leadership Style On Your Employees
by William Craig

Your leadership style affects employee morale, productivity and retention, and it’s important to be firm while being fair as a leader. Taking on a leadership role is a balancing act that becomes more refined as your experience grows. Not every employee or company is the same, and what is expected by one employer differs from another, including the work environment.

These are all factors that leaders must take into consideration when implementing their leadership style on employees. Empower your employees to be their own CEOs and develop their leadership skills as their careers develop.

Show Them the Power of Networking

Sometimes, it’s not about what you know, but who you know, that gets the job done. All employees know that networking is important for finding a job, but networking is also vital for information and learning to maintain your professional development. Professionals need to network for continuous career growth.

It’s not a sign of professional weakness to reach out to another professional for knowledge or to use their connections, especially when it benefits everyone. Include employees in your networking events and encourage them to open up to strangers, ask questions in a conversation and come back with a new contact in their network.

Some Struggles Build Professional Character

Many leaders don’t mind being hands on with their employees, especially when they are building experience, but it is possible to be too hands on. It’s okay to point them toward the right resources, but encourage employees to figure out problems on their own. Coach employees through a line of thinking if they need support, but don’t lead them there with a carrot on a stick.

If your employee needs help finding a marketing solution, point them toward creative and let them go. If the problem is more complicated, ask your employee questions that will get their gears revolving to solve the issue at hand.

Read full article on Forbes.