

Date ArticleType
10/11/2017 Insights

The Real Reason Why You Have Too Many No-shows

The Real Reason Why You Have Too Many No-shows
by Graig Presti

I want you to take a moment and really get into the minds of your patients. I want you to look at your practice through their eyes and consider the kinds of experiences they are having. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in our day-to-day schedules and forget that “perception is reality.” Everything your patients see forms a lasting impression.
Times are a changin’, and they have been for a while now. We’re still experiencing the massive surge of the internet, and Google has officially become the largest, most trusted media and news source on the planet.1 What does this mean for you? It means that Google is now the place where people are turning for all the important information about your practice . . . and whether you’re reputable or not.

In my previous articles, you’ve heard me speak to you about the “new-patient game.” As with any game, you can know if you’re playing it well by looking at the scoreboard. If you don’t have enough points, goals, touchdowns, runs, etc., then you’re losing. You’re not playing as well as your opponent.
The new-patient game is no different. Not getting enough new patients? Then you’re doing it wrong! You’re losing!

Let’s begin to change things right now. First, realize that you spend a substantial amount of time, energy, resources, and money to attract new patients. Every time one of them no-shows, you’ve just wasted those resources. Do you know why most new patients no-show? It’s not what you think.

Read full article on Dental Economics.