

Date ArticleType
2/5/2018 Insights

The Importance Of Reputation Management For Your Dental Practice

The Importance Of Reputation Management For Your Dental Practice
by Jackie Ulasewich

You’re about to book a family vacation so you check out some hotel review sites. You’ve heard good things about Hotel A, but when you look at the reviews, the first three reviews are not favorable. Do you take a chance? Probably not. You move on to Hotel B.

This same scenario can happen when people research your dental practice. As Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, said, “Your brand name is only as good as your reputation,” and he knows a thing or two about both. No matter what you’re doing to market your practice, if you don’t focus on reputation management, your marketing efforts could be a waste of time.

What we know is irrelevant

In the above scenario, the negative reviews could have been the result of something completely out of the hands of hotel management, for example, problems with credit card processing, a power outage, or miscommunication between the booking agent and hotel. But none of that matters. What matters is how the experiences were perceived by the guests who left reviews, and the impressions that their perceptions left on those who read the reviews.

Read full article on Dentistry iQ.