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3/22/2018 Insights

Be Indispensible By Becoming Dispensable

Be Indispensible By Becoming Dispensable
by Hank Boyer

Robert Half knows a thing or two about ability. He founded Robert Half Associates, today a $4.7 billion global provider of talented staff through its seven industry-focused divisions. RHA was again ranked this year among Fortune's Most Admired Companies, tops among staffing companies.

Half once observed, "There is something much more scarce, rarer than ability. That is the ability to identify ability." Determining who has the right ability (the set of skills, knowledge, talent and experience) to match a particular role or position is the purpose of the hundreds of millions of job interviews conducted each year.

Hiring people with the right ability is just the first step. Being able to focus and develop that ability is a key objective of the new hire's manager.

I'd like to amend Half's ability maxim: "There is something much more scarce, rarer than ability. That is the ability to identify ability. But the rarest and most valuable ability of all is the ability to develop ability in other people." The person who can develop the people around him or her is perhaps the most valuable person on any team.

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