ASCA “Speed Networking” Virtual Event

ASCA “Speed Networking” Virtual Event

ASCA-DPLN Speed Networking Event

DPLN leaders will have the opportunity to get to know members of the AADOM Speaking Consultant Alliance (ASCA) in this fast-paced and energetic virtual networking event. 

  • 30 ASCA members will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to Dental Professional Learning Network (DPLN) leaders within 60-90 seconds each. ASCA members will share a slide featuring their speaking topics, areas of expertise, and how they can support DPLN leaders in planning engaging and effective meetings. 
  • This will be a lightning round-style event that will be quick-paced, fun, and informative for both DPLNs and ASCA members!
  • There will be an Open Forum Q&A at the end of the event. 
  • The 30 ASCA slots will be first come, first served. Register now to claim a spot! 

Register today. A Zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email.

Event Item NameExpiresPricing
ASCA “Speed Networking” Virtual EventMay 21, 2025